Who wants to eat dessert for breakfast? I do!
But today is a day that I’m feeling guilty. And that’s pretty common for me once in a while. It’s not just one thing I feel guilty about, there are a few things. To start I feel guilty towards in my Red Kitchen. I wanted to post the recipe for this delicious and creamy strawberry chia seeds pudding yesterday, but instead of working (a.k.a. blogging) I took a road trip with my sister to San Francisco. We left on Monday, spent 1,5 days in rainy SF and we drove back yesterday over the PCH. So I failed in putting myself to work and take time to write this blog post on time.
We had a really good time in San Francisco, even while it was raining cats & dogs. We saw the Golden Gate Bridge in the fog, had ice cream at Bi-Rite Creamery ofcourse, bought sourdough bread at Boudin and discovered a really great Mexican restaurant.
All great, but also a new thing to add to my guilt list. Here I am, spending all this money while P is working really hard. I’m not doing anything to bring some money to our household, all I do is spending what he’s earning.
But I have to be honest and realistic and admit that’s the way it is now. I’m not even allowed to make money in the US at this moment so there’s nothing I can do about that.
Also, for a food blogger who’s trying to loose weight I’m not doing that well. So that’s another thing to feel guilty about. I didn’t drink my juices this week (due to the trip to SF) and I didn’t go hiking because I had a huge cold. A sore throat, runny nose and fever don’t go well with a workout in the mountains. I’m still recovering from that so I didn’t went hiking today but instead I did two 10-minute workouts on YouTube and I walked to the Dutch consulate to pick up my new passport this morning. But that doesn’t make up for the margarita’s I drank in SF, the ice cream I ate at Bi-Rite or the cookies we munched on in the car – driving the Pacific Coast Highway.
To shake off all those guilty feelings I try to take good care of myself and cook a delicious meal tonight with vegetables from the fridge (I’m making a roasted tomato and spinach soup – hope it will turn out great!). And I ate dessert for breakfast, but don’t worry, it’s not a cake and ice cream kind of dessert. It’s a healthy but yet so delicious dessert.
I made it with fresh strawberries I got at the Santa Monica Farmers Market. They tasted so good, so pure and like summer. So one of the three baskets I bought turned into this strawberry chia seeds pudding. How? Well that’s easy, I blended the strawberries with coconut milk and mixed them with chia seeds. Chia seeds are a great addition to yogurt or smoothies and I buy them at Costco. But the most amazing part is: they have the ability to soak up liquid. If they do that they will turn into tiny jelly balls with a crunchy core so you will end up with a big bowl of creamy chia seeds pudding.
So here it is, dessert for breakfast without feeling guilty about it:
Four ingredient delicious and creamy strawberry chia seeds pudding - I love it!
- 1 lbs stawberries (455 gr)
- 2 cups coconut milk (from a can)
- 1 cup chia seeds
- 3 Tbsp maple syrup or honey
- Wash the strawberries and remove the stems. Add them to a blender and add the coconut milk. Pulse until smooth.
- Transfer the strawberry coconut mixture to a large bowl.
- Add the chia seeds and maple syrup and mix until combined.
- Cover and place the bowl in the fridge for at least 2 hours (but preferably overnight). The chia seeds soak up the liquid and turn into tiny jelly balls with a crunchy core.
- Mix well before serving and garnish with raw cacao, shredded coconut and fresh fruit.
I really liked the consistency of the chia pudding, but you can always add some extra milk (coconut, almond or soy) before serving if you like to.
You can call iT a smoothie and then it’s a perfect breakfast. Hope you feel better, The extra strawberry vitamins sure Will help!
Haha true! But for a smoothie you have to add more coconut milk because this has the consistency of pudding. So delicious, have you ever made it before?
Yum! I love chia seed desserts! I’m actually working on a recipe for next month.
Aw, don’t be so hard on yourself! No need to feel guilty. In due time, everything will be better
Thank you Maryanne, that’s so sweet! I’m looking forward to your recipe!
I love chia seeds too. I throw them in most of my breakfast smoothies… And isn’t it funny what happens if you put them in any kind of liquid? This looks pretty good to me!
Ha Ellen! Wat is jouw blog toch fijn. En alles wat zoet is en toch zonder suiker is, maakt mij erg gelukkig! Kan dus haast niet wachten tot het morgenochtend is en ik deze pudding als ontbijt kan eten :).
Liefs, Maaike
Dankjewel Maaike! Wat vond je van de pudding? Ik hoop dat ‘ie niet teleur stelde!
Absoluut niet! Vanavond een hele lading aardbeien gekregen van m’n zusje en har vriendje dus ga hem nu nog eens maken
Had alleen wel wat moeite met het omrekenen van die cups…
Voor de Nederlandse liefhebbers: het is ongeveer 160 gr chiazaad en 480 ml kokosmelk 
Wat een lekker recept!! Heb sinds kort cup-lepels, waarbij je de hoeveelheden niet hoeft om te rekenen. Gewoon bij Dille & Kamille, heel handig. Al moest ik wel even opzoeken wat lbs was…..
[…] Make Strawberry Chia Pudding. I wasn’t in love with the recipe I used…it was kind of bland. However, part of that could be because the recipe called for coconut milk and I only had whole cow’s milk on hand. I sprinkled some cane sugar on top of mine and enjoyed it that way, though. My kids ate it, but weren’t crazy about it. (In the picture below, I sprinkled raw cacao powder on top, but I wasn’t crazy about that combo.) If you’re interested, you can find the basic recipe I used on this blog: In My Red Kitchen – Creamy Strawberry Chia Seeds. […]