Oven baked fries with peanut sauce and mayonaise. This Dutch 'patatje oorlog' is the best! | in my Red Kitchen

Oven baked fries with peanut sauce and mayonnaise


Oven baked fries with peanut sauce and mayonaise. This Dutch 'patatje oorlog' is the best! | in my Red Kitchen

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Dutch recipe. And here I am, giving you Dutch junk food which you don’t normally make at home 😉

Our recent trip to Amsterdam totally inspired me to share this recipe with you. I didn’t grew up with going out for dinner (so maybe that’s why I enjoy it so much 😉 ) but on weekends we sometimes got some take out food! There wasn’t much choice, it was either Chinese food or fries, frikandellen and bitterballen from the so-called ‘snackbar’.

Fresh pea soup with mint, the best soup for Spring! | in my Red Kitchen

Fresh pea soup with mint

Fresh pea soup with mint, the best soup for Spring! | in my Red Kitchen

– Click here for this recipe in Dutch -> Doperwtensoep met munt

Growing up at the east side of the Netherlands, my aunt and uncle had a huge farm, not too far from our house.

I can recall many happy moments there; playing with my cousins at the hayloft and finding a dead mouse, seeing a cow giving birth to a calf at night while we are watching through the video system how my uncle was assisting, camping in a little tent in the front yard, drinking really fresh

Curried potato salad - perfect side dish for your barbecue party! | in my Red Kitchen

Curried potato salad

Curried potato salad - perfect side dish for your barbecue party! | in my Red Kitchen

Can somebody please explain why the Americans celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, which is an Irish holiday?

My sister is visiting and I explained it to her as ‘the Americans just like holidays, so they adapted this Irish holiday’.
But please tell me if I’m correct and besides that… Whát are we actually celebrating? I know about the green color, the clovers and those leprechauns. But why? And how?

Dutch Potato Salad – Huzarensalade

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting on the balcony, with my laptop working on a blogpost. Suddenly I heard somebody calling:



I sat still and looked around. There was nobody I could see from where I sat. So it sure wasn’t for me. I wasn’t expecting visitors and nobody could see me from down the street because we have an enclosed balcony.
So I ignored it.

But then, a week later it was the same voice:



“You, on the balcony!”

From where I sat I couldn’t see any other neighbors on their balconies, so maybe this person wás calling me after all? But how could he see me? Strange!

Huzarensalade P


So I got up and looked down.