Hi, it’s me again
This time from a new kitchen and a new city, with a new recipe for my new favorite: puff pastry breakfast waffles!!
For a long time now I was planning to use my waffle maker for other things than just the
– Click here for this recipe in Dutch -> Kikkererwten komijn salade met bacon –
Chickpea cumin salad with bacon
Nowadays there is a lot needed to get me into blogging again. Life with a 9 month old baby is very busy, our week is filled with swimming lessons, mommy & me class, playdates, physical therapy and of course just housekeeping, grocery shopping and cooking. I am especially keeping myself occupied to create recipes for a baby which I prefer to serve unprocessed foods, rather than to create recipes for adults. Let alone testing, writing and photographing such a recipe.
In other words: it’s not so easy
– Click here for this recipe in Dutch -> Pizza met courgette en spek –
Okay, I admit… I make this pizza every other week these last few months…
– Click here for this recipe in Dutch ->Bacon scones met maple glazuur –
Ok y’all (<- see what I’m doing here? ), I have a new brunch favorite! I still like to eat pancakes or chicken ‘n waffles on a Sunday morning, but these days I’m all about maple bacon scones! And no, it’s not the pregnancy hormones that are telling you that. P also loves them, he ate 2 maple bacon scones with scrambled eggs and extra bacon the other day!
– Click here for this recipe in Dutch -> ‘Chunky monkey’ sandwich –
Don’t look at me like that… I made you a peanut butter, nutella, banana and BACON (!!) sandwich. And that combination is divine! And no, that’s not
– Click here for this recipe in Dutch -> Bloemkoolpuree met Boursin –
I wanted to share his recipe with you last week but I happened to have a few bad days (stupid hormones!) and our home server on which I’m keeping my photos broke down suddenly so I couldn’t edit them.
But a new week means new opportunities, so here it is: Cauliflower mash with boursin! I had often heard of it but never tried it myself. That’s because I am not so fond of cauliflower, but I found out last summer that cauliflower is so delicious when roasted (see Miso roasted cauliflower)!
For New Years we went a few days to a cabin in the mountains with friends. Snowy mountains that is, yes even in California!! On the day we drove up the mountains we found ourselves in a huge snow storm. That storm was
– Click here for this recipe in Dutch -> Kimchi nasi met spek –
Are you also so tired lately? I can take a nap every day and every night I fall asleep on the couch around 11pm. That sounds very early to me as we normally go to bed around midnight
I think it’s an end-of-the-year fatigue because I especially suffer from it on cold and rainy days. And I’m looking forward to
– Click here for this recipe in Dutch -> Zomer hamburger met aardbeien –
The sentence that goes through my head right now is: ‘if a burger with strawberries is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. ”
A terrible cliche but so tremendously true.
Because my oh my… this burger with strawberries is só tasty, even though it sounds like a crazy combination.
Egg salad has been in my life as long as I remember. My grandma makes the best egg salad in the whole wide world – yes I’m serious! I don’t even know what she puts in it. Raw thinly sliced onion, that’s for sure. But there must be a secret ingredient she uses for it.
I need to ask her for the recipe!
But I myself also make a decent good egg salad if I can say so. For the past weeks I’ve been making quite a few egg salads, I don’t even know why.
Do you know sunchokes? No? And have you ever heard of Jerusalem artichokes? It’s the same root vegetable and it’s also called topinambour, earth apple, sunroot or earth pear (in Dutch it’s called earth pear or topinambour).
They look a little like bloathed ginger roots but they are actually the edible roots of a North American sunflower plant.
I really like this explanation of where the name ‘Jerusalem Artichoke’ came from